How To Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Windshield Cracks

Avoiding windshield cracks isn’t some ancient secret guarded in some undisclosed location. Although it’s not possible to be 100 percent successful at avoiding cracks in your windshield, you can reduce your chances of getting large cracks if you take certain precautions. If you can keep chips from turning into huge cracks, a minor repair will be all you need instead of a complete windshield replacement. A little awareness goes a long way when it comes to preventing windshield damage.

Be Careful On Gravel Roads

Even if you don’t travel on gravel roads often, remember that it only takes one time for a piece of gravel to fly up and damage your windshield. If you find yourself having to travel over gravel, do so at a slower rate of speed. Avoid following too close to other cars. Being too close to other cars will expose your car to the gravel that their tires can lift up. On dry roads with lots of gravel, dust may block your ability to see.

Watch Out For Road Construction

Gravel can also be found in areas that are undergoing road construction. If you know an area is undergoing road construction, it’s probably best to avoid it until construction is complete. It may take you longer to get to your destination, but at least flying debris won’t damage your car’s paint or windshield.

Avoid Extreme Temperature Changes

This is a tip that you might not like, but it can help save your windshield from damage. When it is very hot or cold outside, you want to avoid creating the extreme opposite temperature inside of your vehicle. Rapid temperature changes will cause the glass to either contract or expand. So if it’s hot outside and you turn up your car’s air conditioning to full blast, you could be damaging your windshield.

Avoid The Car Wash

Washing your car when the windshield is already chipped can cause water to enter the chipped area. When it does, it can cause the chip to expand into a larger crack.

Watch Out For The Sun

You’ve probably heard medical professionals say how bad the sun can be for the skin. Well, the same is true for your car. The sun can damage your car’s paint as well as your car’s windshield. Park your car out of direct sunlight as much as you possibly can. If your job has a parking garage, use it, so you don’t have to worry about auto glass repair.

Be Careful Where You Park Your Car

Parking on the street is asking for trouble and will not help you reduce windshield cracks. Young kids may throw things at your car just for fun. As a result, your car may end up with a cracked windshield. Passing motorists may throw things out of their cars that could damage your windshield.

Avoid Parking Under Trees

If you park under a tree, a heavy branch could break off and strike your car’s windshield. If possible, use a driveway.

Avoid Slamming You Door

If you have a small chip in your windshield, don’t slam your car door. You may cause the chip to turn into a larger crack.

Keep Your Windshield Clean

Dirt and debris can enter a windshield chip and make it harder for the windshield to be fixed. In order to guard against dirt, stick some clear tape directly over the crack. Replace the tape as needed until you get the repair.

Use A Specialty Shop 

Under no circumstances should you use a regular mechanic to service your chipped windshield. Only people qualified in glass repair should be allowed to work on your windshield. People who don’t know what they are doing can make the damage worse.

Don’t Wait

Unfortunately, some car owners allow small chips to turn into cracks that require more difficult repairs. You should fix rock chips as soon as you notice them. Visiting a Sacramento windshield repair shop will allow you to get your problem taken care of in a timely manner. Some shops offer a service where they will send tech out to you to do the repairs. Check around for the best rates in town.

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