What Do I Have To Consider When Cleaning Windows?

For private households, there are a few things to consider when choosing a window cleaning company in order to make a good choice. On the one hand, the company should have experience with private households and, on the other hand, the reviews should be correspondingly positive. If the company offers the possibility to place an order online, this can be an indication that the company is professional.

It is recommended that you call the provider. If they don’t answer the call, that’s a bad sign. If the call is answered, describe your concern. Here it is essential that you feel understood, that you are asked the right questions and that you can be offered a desired date. Alternatively, you can email the window cleaning company. If there is no answer, that is not a good sign. If you do get an answer, you should pay attention to whether questions are asked that allow you to assess whether the customer is being addressed.

It is also important to ensure that prices are mentioned and that they are transparent. Furthermore, the payment methods offered also give an indication of whether a company is professional. Of course it also plays a role whether an appointment can be offered at the desired time or how long you have to wait for professional Vinduespudser. Furthermore, it should be clarified in advance whether the windows or areas need to be cleared. (See also blog article: ” The ultimate guide: cleaning blinds, canopy & roller shutters “).

It is also important that the company has access to all positions. This applies to both the inside and the outside. If this is not the case, you should inform the company and clarify any resulting effort and costs. If you have pets, you should also clarify whether they would interfere with window cleaning or whether they could even be endangered. You should also find out when the bill has to be paid and what payment options are available.

When should you not clean windows?

The weather influences the soiling of window panes directly or indirectly. When it comes to the exact time when you shouldn’t clean windows, it’s not just the time of year that has typical weather situations that should be considered. The time of day also plays an important role. In spring, autumn and summer, the windows should only be cleaned in the early morning. The light and temperature conditions are usually optimal in the early morning at this time of the year.

It’s neither too hot nor too cold. Furthermore, smaller streaks and dirt can also be recognized by the morning light. Early afternoon, midday and evening are very unsuitable choices for window cleaning.

Now there should be more understanding that the window cleaning must be set in relation to the time. It is also possible to set an optimal time regardless of the time of year or day. There are two rules to be observed here:

  1. The window pane should not be cleaned in direct sunlight. When cleaning the window frame, the glass must be wet. The water evaporates relatively quickly in direct sunlight. The result of this rapid evaporation is the inevitable formation of streaks. It is then relatively difficult to remove the streaks.

The pane must not dry too quickly. If you want to avoid streaks, the pane must not dry too quickly. In addition, you should work as quickly as possible. With the help of a window wiper, the cleaning work is done relatively quickly by hand, especially compared to cleaning with a rag. However, correct handling is very important.

  1. The window pane should not be cleaned at temperatures that are too low, otherwise there is a very high probability that both the cleaning agent and the cleaning water will freeze directly on the pane. This not only prevents cleaning in principle, but also creates contamination through the formation of ice crystals.

For this reason, you should never wipe when it is cold. And that doesn’t just apply to sub-zero temperatures. If there is a strong wind, this can lead to icing of the cleaning agent and mopping water, even at temperatures that are in the low plus range.

If the call is answered, describe your concern. Here it is essential that you feel understood, that you are asked the right questions and that you can be offered a desired date. Alternatively, you can email the window cleaning company.

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